<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://px.ads.linkedin.com/collect/?pid=5089881&amp;fmt=gif"> Hamina Wireless - Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Masters of finance, strategy, and the fine art of looking important while doing very little.
  • lauri

    Lauri Kokkila

    Chairman of the Board
    Lauri, Hamina's Chairman, has invested in and sits on the boards of many of the Nordic region's leading SaaS startups. He is relentless: He kept taking Tomi and Jussi out to breakfast until they accepted an investment.
  • jussi

    Jussi Kiviniemi

    Founder and CEO of Hamina
    Jussi "the Wireless Janitor" has worked with wireless networks for 25 years, losing his hair in the process. As a product innovator, Jussi has pioneered the industry, introducing a countless number of industry firsts.
  • tomi

    Tomi Heinonen

    COO at Hamina
    Tomi's background is diverse: He's done R&D, from software engineer to head of R&D. He's lead a startup, and served in industries from banking to gaming to e-commerce. Tomi's wireless journey began back in 2001.
  • doug

    Doug Suttles

    Board member
    Despite not having grandkids yet, Doug is known as "the grandfather of Internet testing." He built a multi-hundred-million-dollar business around network testing from scratch - and is at it again with his new gig.
  • risto

    Risto Siilasmaa

    Board member
    Risto is not your typical VC - he's also the founder of cybersecurity company F-Secure (now also WithSecure). With 50+ investments under his belt, including 6 unicorns, Risto calls Hamina "not his biggest investment yet, but certainly the most fun one".

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